Sunday, 23 April 2017

The Salmon of Knowledge

During the working week it's sometimes convenient to get an instant meal or something else that's quick to make because is largely pre-prepared. Often the knock on effect of this is that you get yourself tired at work as you've got no energy through not eating anything with any energy or protein.

It's easy to forget though that you can cook a lot of fresh food and things with plenty of protein in double-quick time. The recent mid-week meal of Salmon Steaks with Shallot and Tarragon Scrambled Egg was a case in point.

The Salmon Steaks were easy enough to prepare as preparation involved grilling them on a medium heat for around twenty minutes, turning it once half-way through cooking.

The Scrambled Egg was achieved by beating two eggs and then melting three ounces of Margarine in a sauce pan. This was then followed by lightly cooking two thinly sliced Shallots and tablespoon of dried Tarragon for five minutes in the melted Margarine on a medium heat.

After that I added the beaten Eggs and a quarter of a pint of Soya Milk which I mixed in with the Shallots,Tarragon and melted Margarine and cooked on the hob while stirring constantly for another five minutes. The end product were some thick and flavoursome Scrambled Eggs.

I served these with the Salmon and the luxury of having a meal involving fish and some other fresh ingredients gave me the energy to work non-stop the next day to achieve a lot in a short space of time.

Fish is brain food: these Salmon Steaks certainly were.

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