Sunday 7 May 2017

Tactical Trout

On Easter Saturday I'd spent a lot of time working on the garden as it was getting to the time of year where the plants come alive, the weeds grow and the lawn needs a lot of attention. Although I had a pretty quiet Easter Bank Holiday, I still had time to fit in a pub lunch, a visit from a colleague and an evening tasting home brew.

All that coupled with the work on the garden in quite warm temperatures meant that something quick but nutritious was needed. I'd not had any Trout for a time and with it being a bank holiday I decided to treat myself and pick up some quality Trout fillets from the local supermarket.

Prior to putting the Trout Fillets in the oven I coated them with Coriander powder and fennel seeds. I put a teaspoon each  of Coriander and Fennel Seeds on each of the Fillets and drizzled them with Lemon Juice.

I then wrapped them in a foil parcel, so as to keep the flavours in the Fillets, and then cooked them in the oven on gas mark 4 for eighteen minutes.

While and prior to cooking the Trout Fillets I sliced thinly two New Potatoes and stewed them in the juice of half a Lemon, a tablespoon of White Wine Vinegar, a teaspoon of Fennel Seeds and a teaspoon of Coriander in my Le Cresceut for twenty-five minutes on a medium heat. About five minutes before the end of the cooking I added a tub of Cress and stirred it in.

I timed the preparation of the New Potatoes so that they were ready at the same time as the Trout Fillets. The Trout was extremely flavoursome and when coupled with the New Potatoes it was a surprisingly light meal that wasn't too sour and was just the ticket after a warm day in the garden and taking in a long walk.

Coated in herbs- these ones added some unusual but pleasant flavours to the Trout and Potatoes

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